(Transcribed Sunday Sermons)"GOD'S LOVE IN LIBERTY,
Expressed in the Fruits of the Spirit""GIDEON - TYPE OF THE CHURCH IN TRIALS" 2024
"BEING BORN of GOD" . Twenty Twenty-Four
January 2022
THE WAY TO PEACE, John 13 & 14
JESUS IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS, John Chapter Seven transcribed 2020
JOHN'S REVELATION OF JESUS (Sub Theme: The Proper Stance for Prophetic Giftings)
OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Part I . Matthew 15
THE MOTIVATION OF GOD . Matthew 9-13 Why parables?
The Lord's Prayer, Matthew Chapter SixSERMON ON THE MOUNT
Matthew Chapter Five . Refudiating Religious Activity
When Jesus gave this famous sermon, considered by many to be the masterpiece of all sermons, it is interesting to note some of the context. When it was given in the Jewish society in which He found Himself, He over and over again refudiated or came against some of the concepts and traditions which their society was built upon. He was clearly saying these things are wrong. I have a better way.CHARACTER IN CHURCH GOVERNMENT
Function versus Title, the Dichotomy of Leadership
Jesus wasn't reluctant to talk about church government. Do we know why? He was the church government! It is really interesting to note that He didn't set apart a particular church, particular temple, particular kibbutz and say, "This is the way you should build. This is the way it is to be done."The Resurrection and the Second Coming of Christ
Did you ever think about what Jesus said in John 3:16 that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. Why did He give His Son? It doesn't talk about repentance right there although it is obviously a part of it. Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. And so, as I first became a Christian I thought to myself, "Yea I have eternal life now but I almost don't care if I have eternal life later." Apostle Paul kind of rebukes us in his comment, "We are to be pitied most of all if we didn't believe in the Second Coming of Christ and the resurrection." And so, I thought about that more and more lately.Overcoming Depression and Discouragement
It is one thing to say, "I'm just going to conquer depression. I'm just going to do it!" It is another thing to have a strategy on how to do it. And so, those who have a strategy tend to succeed and that we need the Holy Spirit. Jesus died upon the cross for our sins. He was risen from the dead for the very idea of having resurrected power, so that He could ascend to the right hand of the Father. He ascended to the right hand of the Father so that He could send us the Holy Spirit. I celebrate Pentecost more than anything else. I need the Holy Spirit in my life every day. That is my main strategy.
The best way I know how to be hidden with Him is in His Friendship, His worship and praise and mercy, and His lovingkindness. All of that comes about through the blood of Christ, that New Covenant that He made with us. Greater love has no man than he lay down his life for his friends. We are His friends.
The Holy Spirit, Parts I, II, III and IV
Part I, The Holy Spirit, the Comforter
Part II, The Holy Spirit, the Promise
Part III, Perservering, the Gifts and the Fruit of the Spirit
Part IV Fellowship
The Everlasting Covenant
Transcribed July 2016
A covenant means a lot of different things to different people. So let's review the definition. In today's world covenants don't seem to have much strength nor last very long. A promise is frequently broken and truth and lies get confused together. But a covenant is really, basically a contract. So we would say the Old Testament and the New Testament are contracts that the Lord had with His people. These are the major ones, the Old and the New Covenants and there are others. . .
From Isaiah 62
"What does that mean?" is the first question. A person could say some thing very directly and may not mean it. Example: some one says, "I love you." What does that mean? It may not mean that he loves you at all but he has an agenda completely different from the accepted context. So, "What does it mean?" is a question that the world asks a lot.ELDERS: understanding their function in Church Government
Leadership is born just for that purpose to encourage and strengthen, that's all. And too, to ensure the safety of the church. We have to remember that in Isaiah 60 it says, "The government is upon His shoulders."This tract is lays out sound, Spirit-given, Christian foundations, the rock and anchor of our souls starting in the Gospel of John, chapter one, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
The World might look at the church and say, What a sorry bunch of guys. But that is so far from the truth. You are in fact mighty men and women of God and Im going to show you how Jesus looks at you, and how the enemy sees you. Its vastly different from how you see yourselves. It is summed up in this: we are Sons of God. We are children of God. We have been called by His name. What an awesome truth that really is, to be Sons of God. What an inheritance we have!
Jesus Christ brought a dramatic change not only to the Christian community, but to the whole world. Perhaps you aren’t aware just how dramatic the change has been, so let’s make it clear. The difference between the world before and after the coming of Christ is unbelievable. He has changed the course of individual hearts, people groups, and nations. If He had not come, the earth would be a very terrible place, indeed.BE STILL, Rest for Your Soul
We’ve spent some time of late learning about God and meeting with Him in the secret place1. We found that the Lord Himself never neglected this special time to be with His Father in Heaven. As a result, peace filled His life as He looked to the future.JOHN THE BAPTIST
This is the story of John the Baptist as he emerged in ministry in Judea . . .THE LEARNING PROCESS
In this short tract, I want to give you an overview of the learning process, going from knowing about God’s creation to being a devoted follower of Christ. That is huge; sometimes people can make that leap in a few hours, sometimes it takes a lifetime. Sometimes it never happens. Let me tell you how we learn . .CAMP DAVID, the Secret Place of God
I believe there is a special place for us in prayer. . . . I often forget there is a place where we need to go into our inner room and close the door. This means all the distractions of the world are not going to be there. If you haven’t found this place yet, you need to make one, physically. Close the door, physically. Say, “Okay, Lord, I belong to you for the next hour.”